Appointment Productivity Report

The Appointment Productivity Report shows a practice overview of appointment productivity based on specific grouping. It shows each provider; the number of appointments they have and a grand total for the clinic by time period. The report can be accessed in the Report Center by clicking Reports | Report Center | Appointment Productivity. This report allows for three different grouping options:  

  • Day Snapshot: Users should select a single date in order to see the overall total of appointments scheduled by provider and by facility.
  • Facility (Weekly Appt. Counts): Shows appointment counts week by week per facility.
  • Facility (Weekly Appt. Hours): Shows the total appointment hours worked (based on appointment duration), provider availability hours (based on Availability in Persons and Institutions | Providers | Availability), and productivity ratio (numerator = total appointment hours, denominator=availability). 
  • Provider (Weekly Appt. Counts): this report shows appointment counts week by week per provider.
  • Provider (Weekly Appt. Hours): Shows the total appointment hours worked (based on appointment duration), provider availability hours (based on Availability in Persons and Institutions | Providers | Availability), and productivity ratio (numerator = total appointment hours, denominator=availability). 

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