Accepting Payments from the Scheduler
The Accept Payment button on an appointment in the Scheduler is used to process payment for a specific date of service directly through the calendar. This is the most popular workflow for accepting payments from patients. Practices with integrated credit card processing can also accept credit card payments and access the card manager button enables creation of a charge, acceptance of payment, and generation of a receipt in one simple process directly out of the calendar. It is required that users have the "Record Appointments" permission to accept payment from the scheduler. To accept a payment from the scheduler the patient needs to have the required demographics for billing and a diagnosis entered.
Note: When users accept a payment from the scheduler the appointment will be recorded. This marks the appointment as recorded and will either create the charge, or for practices with the PTQ create the charge in the PTQ. It is important to verify the appointment has the correct details attached before accepting payment.
To see the Accept Payment option:
- From the navigation menu click on Tools | Scheduler.
- On the appointment block right-click (or Mac equivalent) on the Appointment Block | Appointment | Accept Payment.
- The "Accept Payment" window will open and allow users to enter the payment details.
- Click Save or Save and Print Receipt. This will complete the workflow unless "Auto Payment CC" is selected as the payment type. This payment type is for practices who use integrated payment processing and will open the "Automated Payment Processing" window when save or save and print receipt is selected.
- Input credit card details or select a card stored in the card manager and click Submit.
- Total Charge field: overall charge for the session, the summation of all primary and add-on codes.
- Primary field: shows the CPT code of the primary transaction code as well as the charge for that specific procedure.
- Add-on 1 field: shows the CPT code of the add-on transaction code as well as the charge for that specific procedure.
- Add-on 2 field: shows the CPT code of the add-on transaction code as well as the charge for that specific procedure.
- Pre-payment Credit field: if the patient has prepayment credit from a prior over payment the remaining amount left to still be applied will appear here.
- Copay field: if the patient has a co-pay listed for him/her then the amount of that co-pay appears in this field.
- Total Payment field: the total amount of payment being accepted.
- Primary field: the total amount of payment being applied to the primary procedure code.
- Add-on 1 field: the total amount of payment being applied to the add-on procedure code.
- Add-on 2 field: the total amount of payment being applied to the second add-on procedure code.
- Payment Type drop-down box: shows the different methods of payment that can be chosen from to reflect the method by which the patient paid for the session.
- Reference Number field: an optional field that can be used to track the check or card number used to pay for the session.
- Write-off Remainder as Courtesy Discount checkbox: when checked this box writes off any balance remaining as a patient courtesy discount after the payment is applied.
- Save button: enables creation of a charge and acceptance of payment without generation of a receipt.
- Save and Print Receipt button: this button enables creation of a charge, acceptance of payment, and generation of a receipt that the patient can use to submit for insurance reimbursement.
- Cancel button: this button cancels the accept payment option. Checking this cancels the creation of a charge and acceptance of payment, and no receipt is generated.