Appointment Reports
To access Appointment Reports click on Reports | System Reports and open the Appointment drop down menu in the new tab.
Appointment Reminders Status: This report is used to view the latest information and status related to the automated Appointment Reminders that have gone out to patients.
Appointments: This report provides a general list of appointments and their details, which can be sorted by date range.
Appointments with Signed Clinical Notes: This report provides a list of appointments that have been signed along with finished, clinical notes attached to them.
Audit Log-Appointment: This report provides a list of all changes made to appointments (creation, deletion, etc.) and states which user performed each action.
Biller Appointments: This report provides a list of appointments along with all relevant billing information like diagnosis, place of service, duration, and a few others. This report is useful for an outside billing service that requires a list of appointments.
Today’s Appointments: This report lists all appointments for the day.
Unbilled Appointments: This report lists all appointments that have not been recorded as complete, but no charges were created for them.
Undocumented Appointments: This report lists all appointments that do not yet have a clinical note started. If a note has been started, but not signed, the appointment will be listed in the Unsigned Documents report found in the Clinical reports.